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AIM Foundation

Learning Together

Why did AIM form a foundation?

The AIM Foundation was formed to provide funding for projects that improve the overall climate of patient safety, enhance the professionalism and skills of AIM member boards and their staff, and/or research problems that impact AIM member Boards.

How do I apply?

The simplest way is to use the provided PDF form: AIM Foundation Funding Form.

When do I need to apply?

In general, applications will be due on April 1st and October 1st each year. However, there are two exceptions, (1) travel scholarship requests may be submitted at any time and (2) time sensitive projects may be submitted along with an explanation for the time sensitivity of the project.

How are awards decided?

The AIM Foundation Board will review each application for relevance, impact, purpose and cost effectiveness. A majority vote of the Foundation Board in favor of the project is required.

When will awards be announced?

In general, awards will be announced twice a year, at the AIM Annual Meeting in April and the AIM Fall workshop in November. If you are unable to attend the meeting, You will be notified of the award via e-mail.

How often can I submit an application?

You can submit applications as often as you like. Preference will be given to organizations who have not received awards in the recent past.

What are the criteria for requests?

Each applicant will need to choose one of the following categories:

    • To improve the overall climate of patient safety and the professionalism of executives, boards and staff;
    • Special educational events or program enhancements that benefit AIM member boards, board executives and staff;
    • Research requests that seek to solve problems impacting AIM member boards and board executives and staff;
    • Partner with other foundations to carry out joint research or projects that improve patient health outcomes through enhanced board, executive and staff professionalism and skill building;
    • Travel costs to and from AIM sponsored functions.
    • Other – specify why a different focus is more important to your board than those listed above.

What are examples of projects that might be considered?

    • Study of burnout in boards and staff
    • Projects to enhance licensee participation in board matters
    • Studies and recommendations for best practices for boards and staff
    • Innovative projects to increase public awareness of boards and their role in regulation
    • Travel and/or registration costs to AIM sponsored functions or other professional meetings that enhance the professionalism of executive directors and their staff.

Does all of work on the project need to be done in house?

No. When appropriate, awarded funds can be used to pay for work done by a third party.

How many awards are granted at each AIM meeting?

It depends on the number of applications, the amount of funds requested and the funds available to the Foundation each year.

What happens if my application is accepted?

The Foundation will send a check to the organization associated with the application within four weeks.

Do I need to show proof of how the funds were used?

Your organization must provide evidence such as receipts, a summary of the work accomplishments, minutes of meetings and copies of research, etc. Your organization must show that the funding provided was used for its intended purpose. Your organization may also be asked to provide additional information to the foundation regarding feedback or knowledge gained because of funding.

Is a final report required?

Yes, with the exception of travel requests, your organization agrees to provide a professionally presented final report to the AIM Foundation at the conclusion of the project suitable for publishing and redistribution. In addition, if requested and feasible, your organization agrees to present the project at an AIM meeting.

Who do I contact if I have additional questions?

Email questions to AIM@docboard.org.




Administrators in Medicine (AIM)

3739 National Drive, Suite 202

Raleigh, NC 27612 USA

Email: aim@docboard.org

Phone: (919) 573-5445

Fax: (919) 787-4916

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